I recently asked Nested’s teachers, composed of dedicated doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants all of whom are BRAVELY working on the ‘front’ lines during this pandemic, to share with us their “silver linings”…
During this challenging time, we are all experiencing a range of emotions and feelings due to being cooped up indoors because of the pandemic and stay-at-home orders. It is completely normal to feel down, frustrated and stir-crazy! What I do with my girls EVERY evening is to share 1-2 “silver linings” (aka things we are grateful for) that we each experienced that day. Their comments have ranged from very emotional (I was able to go on a walk alone with you, mom so we can talk), to funny and silly (I’m so excited that I found 3 worms for my compost experiment).
I recently asked Nested’s teachers, composed of dedicated doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants all of whom are BRAVELY working on the ‘front’ lines during this pandemic, to share with us their “silver linings”.
I am grateful…
- For the opportunity to learn how much “I don’t need”.
- For the free time to learn new things like roller skating and sailing.
- For slower days, and time to be more intentional.
- That there are so many children outside riding their bikes.
- I am able to have more quality time with my family because I am not stressed to get to places.
- We have had a lot more outdoor time for my kids to play and use their imaginations!
- When I have tele-health visits with patients, I feel I am really connecting with and helping my patients during a very vulnerable time, and they are helping me too.
- I have more time to do the things I have always wanted to do such as paint, play guitar and sing. We don’t really focus on ourselves due to work and other things, but I have taken this time to learn new things and being grateful for all the things I have around me.
I also asked the Nested teachers for what they have gleaned from this experience to incorporate into their everyday lives once the “new normal” of life resumes. I will…
- Ensure I have one day with NO scheduled activities.
- Keep working on self-improvement and helping the people around me.
- Incorporate video calls with my family and friends more into my life. It is such a great tool for communication that I never fully took advantage of–such as with my sister in California and my friend with a new baby!
- Spend more time outdoors because a breath of fresh air can do wonders for the soul.
- Activities don’t have to be elaborate to be fun! We don’t always have to have something scheduled! We’ve found new joy in sidewalk chalk, Yahtzee and nature walks!
I am THRILLED to announce Nested’s new partnership with The Lane Social Club (The Lane). Commencing in the summer of 2020 (once in-person classes resume), Nested will have a NEW additional DC location for our Childbirth Education boot camp class at The Lane located in DC’s Ivy City. The Lane is a family social club providing a play space, private rooms, a cafe, and events that are fun for the whole family. Nested clients are able to receive 10% off The Lane’s New Parent Membership package using the special code: Nested10.
Even though The Lane is currently TEMPORARILY closed due to the pandemic, they are hosting numerous virtual events, including a weekly Wednesday Virtual New Parent (postpartum) Group. I was pleased to participate on their April 22 virtual Wednesday New Parent Group. We discussed baby nutrition, including information on how, when, and what to feed babies when they are ready to start solids.
There have been several fantastic recent articles about The Lane, including these: The Washingtonian, Happi.ly and DCist.com!
As you have seen on our website and social media postings, Nested will be offering HIPAA-compliant professionally-produced virtual online classes in early May! Stay tuned as we will be providing more information about how you can access our virtual online classes soon. In addition, our July – December 2020 in-person classes have been posted to our class calendar. We anticipate being able to resume our in-person classes this summer. Please note that our virtual online classes will continue to be an available option!

Earlier this month, Nested hosted a virtual live Q&A webinar to discuss COVID-19 issues and questions, especially those around pregnancy, and mental health awareness and care. We created a PDF of the information and have posted it on our homepage: Additional Resources for Self-Care for Physical & Mental Health During COVID-19. In addition, Nested’s homepage has information about how to make your own mask as well as other COVID-19 resources from reputable websites, including the CDC, ACOG, Johns Hopkins University and Advantia Health.
On behalf of the entire Nested team, thank you for your patience, understanding and support as we work to find alternative and virtual ways to continue to support our Nested community and provide you with childbirth and newborn care education during this difficult COVID-19 pandemic. I hope that you are taking care of yourself and your loved ones – both virtually and in-person with those you are “sequestered” with in your homes. Stay safe, stay healthy and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!
Nidhi & the Nested Team

Nidhi Reva | Founder & Managing Director and Instructor
Nidhi Reva’s passion for working with underserved populations inspired Nested’s mission of empowerment through education. Nested LLC’s mission is to empower women and their families, both locally and abroad, by providing them with childbirth and newborn care education as well as invaluable medical and public health resources.